Welcome Season Ticket Holders!
Thank you for joining us as a Season ticket holder for The Huntington’s current season! You can view your exclusive Season ticket holder discounts, exchange tickets, purchase or redeem your FlexPasses, and use your Bring-A-Friend voucher.
If you have any questions about your Season tickets, please call Ticketing Services at 617-266 -0800 or email seasontickets@huntingtontheatre.org.

Ticket Exchanges
Exchange your tickets to a different date
This form is only for season ticket holders who need to exchange their performances. If you do not have tickets through our season ticket holder program there is a charge to exchange your tickets. Please call 617-266-0800 to make an exchange.

Bring-A-Friend Bonus
Use this voucher to share your love of The Huntington with a friend or bring guests.
Your Season Ticket Holder Handbook is embedded below. Use the arrows to browse through the book, or download as a PDF (click the “open” button under the handbook, then look for an option on the left for downloading)