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Bequest gifts and other planned gifts provide The Huntington with financial sustainability and the vital support to produce great theatre and impact lives through our award-winning youth, education, and community initiatives.

In this dynamic new era and transformational time for The Huntington, planned gifts will play an even bigger role in strengthening our endowment and financial standing.  They will ensure our ability to pursue ambitious artistic projects, expansive collaborations, robust education programs, and community activation.

There are many ways to include The Huntington in your long-term plans and be part of our future.

To learn more, please contact Jessica Morrison, Director of Development, at 617-273-1651.

Types of Planned Gifts


One of the simplest ways to remember The Huntington in your estate plans is through your will or trust. You can designate a specific asset, amount of money, or percentage to The Huntington using language such as:

“I give and bequeath to The Huntington Theatre Company, Inc., 264 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, the sum of $________(or a description of the specific asset), or ____% of the residue of my estate (or trust) after debts and expenses for the benefit of The Huntington and its general purposes.”

Retirement Plan

Designating all or part of what remains of your retirement plan after your death can be a tax-efficient way to make a gift to The Huntington. Since IRAs and 401(k) plans are usually funded with untaxed dollars, they are subject to income tax as well as estate tax. As a nonprofit organization, The Huntington would receive your gift tax-free.

Making a gift from your IRA or 401(k) can be as simple as logging into your plan’s website and designating The Huntington as a beneficiary in the Beneficiary Designation area. You can also request a form from your plan administrator and name The Huntington as a beneficiary.

Life Insurance Policy

If you own a whole life insurance policy that you no longer need, you can make The Huntington owner of the policy. By doing so, you will normally receive an income tax deduction for the policy’s fair market value or cost basis. If you name The Huntington beneficiary of the policy and retain ownership, you will receive an estate tax deduction for the insurance proceeds.

Donor Advised Fund Gifts

If you already give through a donor advised fund, you may find it provides the opportunity to make recommendations regarding the distribution of any remaining fund balance in the event of one’s death. You may be able to name one or more charities as beneficiaries or to recommend future distributions to certain charities. Your fund administrator can provide more information. You will need The Huntington’s correct legal designation to finalize your planned gift:

Huntington Theatre Company, Inc.
264 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Tax exempt under IRC Section 501c(3) and a public charity for federal tax purposes.

Tax ID (EIN) 22-2659560

The Ovation Circle

The Ovation Circle honors those who play a lasting role in securing The Huntington’s strong, successful future beyond their lifetime by making a bequest or other planned gift.  Members enjoy special invitations, updates, and opportunities to engage in a deeper, more meaningful way with our work, and are recognized in Huntington program books and lobby screens. 


You may wish to print and mail or digitally submit our Ovation Circle Form or check out the digital brochure.

For more information or to join The Ovation Circle, contact Brook Holladay, Associate Director of Individual Giving, at 617-273-1522.

The information on this website is not intended as legal or financial advice. The Huntington strongly encourages you to discuss any planned giving option with your attorney and/or financial advisor to confirm that it meets your financial and philanthropic objectives.

Ovation Circle members on why The Huntington is in their future plans:

“Live theatre captivates the mind and promotes social discourse; it can change lives. The Huntington maximizes this impact through its exceptional education programs and commitment to young people and we want to support those efforts. Including The Huntington in our estate planning is a valuable investment in the future.”


“I want to ensure that The Huntington is here for future generations so they can enjoy this amazing theatre as much as I have since the very beginning.”


“We are committed to sharing the joy of artistic discovery with generations to come. The Huntington will undoubtedly enrich creative lives long into the future, and it is an honor to support the continuity of their efforts.”


“At this exciting time for The Huntington, we want to do all we can to help its talented new leadership plan for the coming decades. Doing so assures that our current annual giving will continue for this important institution, one that is truly a jewel in Boston’s crown.”