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A Special Message from Michael Maso

Dear Friends,

For over forty years I have been honored to serve as The Huntington’s managing director. I am reaching out to share the news that this season – my 41st – will be my final one in that role. This summer I will transition into a new, limited role as special advisor and project consultant to Huntington leadership.

This change has been years in the making, and while it was planned to happen sooner, I happily agreed to stay on through this season to have the chance to partner with our fabulous new artistic director Loretta Greco. It has been and continues to be a delight, and I look forward to serving Loretta and my successor in the coming years, as they see fit.

I can’t overstate how much pleasure I have derived from working with so many to bring such unadulterated joy, such compassion and understanding, to so many for all these years. I’m grateful to the thousands of dedicated artists, staff members, colleagues, and board members who have enriched my life, and to the theatre lovers and generous donors who have sustained The Huntington, as together we have built The Huntington and the broader cultural community we love. It has been a privilege I will treasure always.

This is not goodbye by any means. There is plenty of work to do in the coming months, and I hope you will take this time to recommit your support of The Huntington as we secure its future as a cultural beacon for generations to come.

The theatre’s essential quality is that it brings people together for a shared experience. I look forward to sharing many more of those moments with you, both for the remainder of this season and for many years to come. And, if you are so moved, I encourage you to reach out to me with a memory or two.

Thank you again for all that you have given me.

With gratitude,

Michael Maso

Managing Director


Michael Maso; photo by Nile Hawver