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In Response to Anti-Asian and Anti-Asian–American Violence

In Response to anti-Asian Violence

The Huntington stands in solidarity with the Asian and Asian American communities of Atlanta, here in New England, and across the country. We must all work together to end anti-Asian discrimination, dehumanization, and violence. We uplift the following organizations who are raising awareness, providing education, and directing aid.


For mental health support
Asian Mental Health Collective:
AMHC is a community for Asian mental health support, connecting AAPI individuals to a directory of AAPI therapists and providing referrals to crisis lines. They also work to destigmatize seeking help for mental health.

Detox Local:
Detox Local is an extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.

Live Another Day:
Live Another Day has extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for Asian Americans and other people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources.

For connecting with local communities
The Massachusetts State Asian American Commission will host a town hall next week on March 25th in conjunction with many local area coalitions, including the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center. To join, visit their website to register.  

For supporting the Atlanta Asian community
Center for Pan-Asian Community Services:
CPACS provides healthcare and social services to many Asian and Asian American communities in the Atlanta area.

For education and advocacy
Asian Americans Advancing Justice:
AAJC is both educating the public and collecting stories of harassment. The Atlanta chapter released a statement on Wednesday March 17th calling for action in response of the surge of violence against their communities.

Red Canary Song:
RCS is a grassroots collective supporting labor rights for Asian migrant workers and sex workers. They specialize in mutual aid and community organizing.

Stop AAPI Hate:
This organization is a collaboration between San Francisco State University and several California social service agencies to advocate for an end to Anti-Asian and Anti-Pacific Islander hate crimes at a national level.

For anti-harassment training
Hollaback is offering free seminars both for Asian Americans who are experiencing harassment and for bystanders who can intervene when they witness anti-Asian harassment.

To donate in support
Many of the above organizations accept donations directly. In addition, GoFundMe has organized a communal fundraiser to benefit many AAPI-centered and AAPI-led organizations.

(updated as of February 2022)